Mother of Fuck
2010.04.25. 23:52
A.K.A Holy Shit, TITS.
P.S : I really need a girlfriend.
Címkék: tities
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In a far far away land there is someone like me, but is truly happy, I loathe him
2010.04.23. 14:31
Címkék: rhcp
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That's what you call a life?
2010.04.23. 14:09
I don't have a life. And you?
Címkék: ministry
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Festett egekből hullik a kék
2010.04.22. 12:48
Csak annyit érzek hogy vagyok
Szolgálatos, fürge robot
Egyszerű gondolatok
Futnak át agyamon
Csak álmomban látok
Süt a nap és béke van
A sor végén állok
Nem vagyok nyugtalan
Címkék: bikini
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Madness beneath the sea
2010.04.21. 12:53
For dark years I have traveled.
On blank and expressionless faces of sea and ocean.
No sun has lit the dim inside of my cabin.
Salty water had not penetrated the stench of decay.
I was ending, withering, forgetting, thinning, slimming, escaping.
Jump, jump, into the water.
Feed your flesh to the sharks.
Perhaps they can digest the insanity eating away life.
Címkék: mastodon
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Jesus built my Hotrod, but Satan put in the seats
2010.04.21. 10:42
Ding a ling lang, my dang a long ling long.
Címkék: ministry
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The destruction of the very standards of humanity
2010.04.20. 12:10
Címkék: destruction
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When the maiden burned in flames
2010.04.20. 12:03
Murders in the Rue Morgue!